New Release: v0.162!
Hey folks, got another new release fresh out of the oven with some cool new content and a couple of important bug fixes.
As you might have seen last week, we're coming up on total completion, and at this stage, besides addressing bug reports, I'm just adding fun bonus content and making little improvements while I wait for the artists and voice actors to wrap up.
I'm shooting for a March release, so fingers-crossed all my assets are wrapped up in time. I won't set an official date until I have it all, but it shouldn't be much longer.
Until then, I'll keep adding and improving and fixing!
- Nym
Version 0.162 - 1-22-2021
- Added a new hidden area in the Isle of Deer with a special reward
- Gertrude can fix the reward for Mercy’s personal use, or
- Belka can optionally use the reward, which increases her stats in the final siege
- Added a new Leite scene for the [Keep Struggling] ending route
- Dietrich can be found later in the game if he was not recruited early on, which makes the Aklas quest completable for a reward
- Added a variety of new stat-requirement hidden treasures to the game
- Made new grassy-door sprites for Aster Village
- Improved the Witchdale mapping
- The cove docks map in the outro is now different depending on the cove’s resourcefulness
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to crash into a wall in the Mubarek theater and get bounced into an object
- Fixed a possible portrait-related crash after the battle with Franz
- Fixed a passability issue on the 2nd siege planning room from version 161
- Mercy now pays Dietrich 300 gold from the cove fund for his services if she chooses to resist his essence
- Fixed a move route issue when attempting to enter the Forbidden Tent in the cove before investigating it
- Fixed an issue with the Moon Shard incorrectly reducing Orus’s Defense by 500 (?!) instead of 5
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