New Release: v0.139!

Hi everyone!

As of now, 7 of the 8 possible outcomes are more or less wrapped up, but I had to hold one of them back because it wasn't ready. Fortunately, it's the one least likely to be obtained, so it shouldn't hinder most players.

I was going to just wait until they were all wrapped up and polished, but that kind of polish takes a lot longer than you might think so I figure I might as well let some of you experience the satisfaction of concluding your legacy at long last.

The best I can tell, next Friday's build will also wrap up the last ending and get started on the polish side of things. Also, no picture this week because the build was 100% words and 100% major spoilers, lol.

I've said this before, but I plan to implement some new features before release that'll break save compatibility. I'm trying to hold those off for now since we're so close to the end, but in the coming weeks as I'm getting everything spit-shined up for the big 1.0, you might see your saves stop working. The very next alpha build (v0.141) will probably be the last version you can use with your old save file and will include all of the game's endings, so make sure you don't hold off too long!

Version 0.139 - 7-31-2020 

  • Added in all of the ending narratives EXCEPT ONE (FUCK)
  • Added in a new voiced segment for Beatrix
  • Fixed an issue where the Ch. 8 Qel cutscene could play when arriving to the valley in Ch. 10
  • Added Mercy’s wounded sprites
  • Fixed an issue where Eva could be incorrectly absent from the cove post-battle


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