New Weekly & Alpha Build: v0.129!

Hi everyone, I am pleased to report some improvement in my condition this week, accompanied by some blessed progress on the various branching paths that make up the game's "endings."

Presently, there are 7 different major divergences after the siege, most of which lead to an earlier conclusion to the journey than some of the other, more "successful" routes. Within some of these 7 paths is an impossibly large number of more subtle variants based on your choices over the course of the game and your level of preparedness for the battle.

There's a lot of content packed in here, but the caveat to all this exciting news is... most of you will never see 95% of it. After all, you can only experience one single outcome at a time!

Making so many branching outcomes is time-consuming business, and coupled with serious illness, it's been a hell of a month for development.

Remember, you can download the public build of become a patron at:

One more thing I will say, for those of you who are starting to worry: the game's not over yet. For the more thorough and better prepared among, there's still a whole chapter awaiting. Now that so many of these loose ends are getting tied up, it's finally about time to get back on track, and I'm looking forward to it.

- Nym

Version 0.129 - 5-1-2020

  • Added the cove “surrender” outcome results and resulting cutscenes (WIP)
  • Added 3 new cove “annihilation” outcomes and resulting cutscenes (WIP)
  • Added new “release” sprite and portrait for Mercy
  • Added new time-skip captivity sprite for Mercy
  • Added Mercy’s Oldlight palace chambers (WIP)
  • Added new “fully awakened” Mercy sprites
  • You can now have a conversation about Leite’s milk in Ch. IX if you missed it in Ch. VIII
  • Fixed a number of missing file reference issues
  • Fixed an issue where Mercy could board the ship in Mar’Liore while riding Orus
  • Fixed a handful of screen tint inconsistencies


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