New Public Build: Chapter VI

The time has come!

Version v0.60.1 is officially live and available to the public on both Windows and Mac, adding the latest chapter and all the bug fixes and general improvements that come with it.

So, what exactly is new? You can see the entire change log here, but for the (very) abbreviated list:

  • Extended the main story line by several hours
  • You can ride Orus around outside for increased speed
  • You can now mine silver & gold around the world and use it to craft jewelry if your forge is upgraded
  • Added eight new written NSFW scenes
  • Added and revised new portraits and illustrations
  • Added new skill and spellbooks to the game
  • Performance optimizations
  • Balance adjustments
  • Lots and lots of bug fixes

Q. Will my old save version work?
- A. Yes, but you may experience some bugs--especially visual. Save often and proceed at your own risk!

Q. I found a bug! Where do I report it?
- A. You can send me a direct message or post in our public Discord's designated bug report channel.

Q. How do I know when the build ends? (Spoilers)
- A. Chapter VI ends once Mercy returns to the cove from Witchdale.

Thanks for playing, and if you enjoy the game, spread the word & consider becoming a patron!


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