New Public Build!
Hello everyone, Nym here. We're super excited to release our latest public build to the world, version 0.11.5.
This is a really big update from the previous version, 0.4, and virtually doubles the amount of playable content.
We wanted to wait until the Carvannah chapter was completed so we could take a look at the most natural ending point for a public release, since it can be frustrating as a player to hit a dead-end.
As such, we've done a little content-pruning on the latest build to bring an up-to-date version of build 0.11's content, but with all the current bug-fixes and balance changes included.
This will receive one more small update in a couple of weeks after the next alpha build gets released, and then it will sit as our public build probably until the next chapter is completed!
I've attached a few (resized) screenshots below, all content from the public build.
We hope you enjoy, and as always, you can support our work on Patreon and get access to new builds far in advance!
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