
Showing posts from February, 2018

New Weekly Build: Version 0.22

Hey everyone, we pulled a late night last night to try and get the weekly build to a good stopping point, and BOY was it a monster. Wrapping up Witchdale has meant creating 3 different sequences for the conclusion and between 2-4 different sets of conversations for each member of the crew back on your ship, depending on the chosen routes. It's been hard work, and I'm sorry to say the chapter still isn't 100% finished (although you do technically finish up with Witchdale itself). I'd say I've grinded out probably 95% of it. It's pretty much guaranteed to be finished before the next weekly release (which MAY come early?) A lot of stuff didn't make the cut this week just for lack of time, including a new sex scene and 2 different pieces of art for already-existing sex scenes. I expect not only these to make it in by next week, but also ANOTHER scene that I've had sitting on my hard drive for a while (just needed to be back in the cove to make it h...

New Build & Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day!

Hi everyone, Happy Belated Valentine's Day! We just finished up our playtesting on version 0.21 and got the build uploaded. This has been a tricky development week, because it's a lot of tying off loose-ends and building in the player's choices. But we got a lot done, and I'm pretty happy with the results. Check out the patch notes to see what's new, and enjoy! Version 0.21 - 2/19/2018  Added main plot progress and the next big player choice  Added new ship cabin areas  Added all Witchdale recruitment options  Added Corrine quest & encounter  Added szarva & Molly quest  Added new NSFW scene (Other/F - written and commissioned)  Added tons of contextual dialogue to Witchdale citizens and recruitable members  Revised some Witchdale dialogue to strengthen suggestions of pirates-Peacekeeper relationship  Added new hidden treasures to Witchdale!  Fixed a chest in Shiveworth (displaying the message incorrectl...

New Weekly & Alpha Builds!

Hey everyone! W O W, version 0.20. It's absolutely wild how fast the time has gone by over the course of 20 releases. It has been a ton of work, but it's also been really satisfying to see things coming together. And, if you'll permit me to toot both of our own horns, I think we are getting better at it as we go along. I hope you're as excited about the future as we are. We're sending v0.20 out to our weekly patrons and v0.19.1 out to our alpha patrons, so any new patrons will get access to the build of their respective tiers. Here's what we got going on in this week's release!   Version 0.20 - 2/12/2018  Added brief dialogue for when Mercy first arrives in Witchdale  Added Witchdale Dormitory (basement, ground floor, 2nd floor)  Added Witchdale Bank  Added Witchdale Residential Caverns (Upper and Lower)  Added over a dozen new characters to Witchdale again!  Added Saul & a new combat encounter!  Added a new optional NSFW scen...

New Weekly Build: v0.19!

Hey everyone, first update of February! Witchdale is starting to come together and fill with life, which is exciting. I set a lot of groundwork this week for new relations, so expect a lot of these to take off in different directions by next week's build. A new alpha build is also going live next week, which will be 0.19.1 (essentially this patch with any additional bug-fixes included). Patch notes are below. Enjoy!   Version 0.19 - 2/5/2018  Added the Witchdale Barracks (and 4-story tower)  Added lots and lots of new characters to Witchdale  Created a new male szarva sprite and implemented new szarva character  Created Carlisse quest-line (optional)  Created Flask quest (optional)  Created the Fishmaster! Get prizes for catching big fish  Added lots of new items to Witchdale  ANIMALS   Changed all recovery values in the item descriptions to be on their own line for clarity