Weekly Build 0.10!
Despite the holidays and a cold bad enough to turn my brain inside-out, I've managed to be much more productive than expected! This week, we bring you version 0.10: THE HALL Edition! It's live now for all our weekly patrons. However, there's good news and bad news. A new plugin we've implemented for special light and weather effects breaks save files. So, for this build and and perhaps a few more builds up to the next alpha, we're uploading two versions: one that has the special lighting & weather features and one that does not. We're hoping in that time that we can find a workaround to get old save files working with the new stuff. Eventually, we'll be making the upgrade exclusive, however, because continually uploading multiple versions for multiple tiers is going to get out of hand fast. It's a bummer, but it's sort of the nature of the beast when you're constantly adding new content. Perhaps before then, we'll implement a ...